Our Services

What I offer

2 Days a Week Subscription

A two-days-a-week in home dog training subscription offers a convenient and structured way for dog PARENTS to improve their canine companion's behavior and obedience. Subscribers receive expert-led training sessions on a PREDETERMINED schedule, twice a week. With expert guidance and hands-on instruction, your dog will develop essential skills and behaviors. AROUND every fifth visit We MEET UP in person FOR A SKILLS TRANSFER, where we ensure that you, as the PARENT, can confidently reinforce and maintain your dog's progress at home. These sessions can cover a range of essential training topics such as obedience, leash walking, socialization, and addressing specific behavioral issues. This subscription model allows dog parents to access consistent guidance and support to help their dogs become well-behaved and happy pets, all while fitting into their busy lives. Join us to nurture a well-trained, happy, and harmonious relationship with your four-legged friend.

What Others Are Saying

“Always be training!”

— Charles Miller

Enjoy some photos of our current and past training doggos!