
My name is Cory. A few years ago, I got my first German Shepherd named Koji. I absolutely fell in love with training and bonding with her. That said, it was not without its struggles. She was absolutely brilliant and had already learned over 100 words and phrases by the time she was 6 months, but she was reactive to other people and dogs. I did not know how to fix her reactivity and just knew that there was something I was missing. I wanted to educate myself so others would get to know the amazing dog she was that only I got to see. I decided to change my career path and went to the Academy of Pet Careers to learn and become a licensed professional dog trainer. Through the processes I learned there, we were able to make tremendous progress with her reactivity, and our bond together. It completely changed our lives.

Tragically, Koji didn't make it much further than her first birthday before she passed. Words cannot describe how difficult that has been for me. Those who got the opportunity to meet her know how truly special she was. I will forever be grateful for what she has done for my life and lives of others. She is the the one that inspired me to become a dog trainer. I started this business to honor Koji so her legacy can continue and to help others.

I have logged well over 1000 hours in dog training at a large local R+ based training facility before starting Koji K9 Training. I do now have another puppy who fills up my time when I'm not training other dogs. She is sometimes used for demonstrations or used as a distraction during training sessions.

I am a fear-free licensed professional dog trainer, so no aversive tools or methods are used in my training. I focus on creating confident dogs by rewarding behaviors you want to see and helping you build a bond with your pet. I specialize in working with reactive dogs. They are usually some of my favorite dogs to work with. I often get to witness the dogs and their parents lives change for the better.

I hope you enjoy all I have to offer and share the experience with others.

In Loving Memory of Koji